Scientific studies have proven the ability of EpiCor to maintain.
These are ordinary baker's yeast.
Not just yeast, but yeast fermented, with a high content of metabolites
(antioxidants, proteins, fiber, polyphenols, vitamins, amino acids,
beta-glucans, etc.), the manufacturer calls EpiCor multivitamins for the
immune system. The composition is completely natural and natural. It has
been clinically proven that EpiCor activates the activity of NK cells
(natural killers) within 2 hours after taking the product. It works very
well for colds, viral infections. I think if we talk about effectiveness,
then still the great cause is the causative agent of the disease, which we
are trying to influence. Therefore, it can not be unequivocally said that
the drug will certainly help not to get sick. But try something you need;)).
For maximum effect, take better on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before
eating. At the slightest symptoms of an elementary illness or signs of orgi
- after receiving an hour through 2-4 you really feel like a person. 1
tablet a day, with the flu 2 tablets. We save only Epicor from all kinds of
colds. Perhaps, taking this supplement in many situations helped not to get
sick and avoid taking more serious medications. I already bought a stock for
the next winter;)) ******* I hope that my review was useful to you! ;))
A good remedy for mucous membranes.
I decided to drink this remedy on
the recommendation of a gastroenterologist after suffering from Covid. This
drug has a good effect on the state of the body's immune system. It
increases the amount of immunoglobulins A (IgA), the main antibodies in
mucous membranes. They are the body's first line of defense against viruses
and disease-causing bacteria. Epicor is a dry yeast fermentate, in the
production of which Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used - a common baker's
yeast from the class of Saccharomycetes. It promotes the destruction of free
radicals, increases the activity of NK cells (natural killer cells), which
destroy cells infected with viruses and bacteria. Epicor also stops harmful
oxidation processes in the body and neutralizes bacterial toxins. It has the
properties of a prebiotic, i.e. nourishes beneficial bifidobacteria and
lactobacilli. I took it together with probiotics and the effect was very
strong. The gastrointestinal tract recovered quickly. I am very happy with
the result. Recommend.
The Amazing
Discovery of EpiCor – A Real Story that Led to Real Science:
Fermentation Observation
In the late
1800's C.W. Bloomhall, a young boy who lived on a family farm, noticed that
animals fed table scraps fermented with sour milk seemed to be healthier
than animals fed simple grains alone.
After retiring
from the milling industry in 1943, Bloomhall decided to put his theory to
the test – that fermented foods provided unique health benefits. He founded
the Diamond V¢ç company to develop a specialized fermentation process to
create an ingredient that would improve the health and productivity of
The Diamond V
brand is now owned by Cargill and a highly respected brand of unique
microbial fermentation products for improved animal health worldwide.
Discovery of
EpiCor Fermentate
Fast forward to
1998. Factory employees at the Diamond V manufacturing facility who were
exposed daily to the fermented animal feed were not using much sick leave.
Why were the
factory workers taking fewer sick days than their colleagues working in the
office? To find out, Diamond V commissioned pilot studies comparing the
factory workers to a similar group of office workers. And, those studies
showed the fermented product had supported the immune health of the factory
workers that were exposed.
After more years
of clinical research to show the safety and efficacy of whole food
fermentate for people, EpiCor was born! Today, people all around the world
trust EpiCor fermentate to support their immune and gut health. Maybe it¡¯s
time for you to discover it for yourself!
* I bought for my wife to prepare her for the Omicron outbreak in Singapore.
She has already done her dose vaccination, but this multi vitamin product
offers her additional protection by boosting up their immunity.
* It is an amazing product. Epicor accompanies me every day. I feel safe and
confident about protecting my health and especially my respiratory health. I
believe it is one of the most essential Supplements. Also as a product it
offers a very good combination of quantity and good price.
* We are using it for last 2 years and Excellent feedback. Earlier I used to
have general infection almost in every 2 months. But god sake, in last 2
years we did not face any infection of Cold and cough. Also inner immunity
is boosted. Also recommended to my family and friends. They are also very
The Amazing
Discovery of EpiCor – A Real Story that Led to Real Science:
Fermentation Observation
In the late
1800's C.W. Bloomhall, a young boy who lived on a family farm, noticed that
animals fed table scraps fermented with sour milk seemed to be healthier
than animals fed simple grains alone.
After retiring
from the milling industry in 1943, Bloomhall decided to put his theory to
the test – that fermented foods provided unique health benefits. He founded
the Diamond V¢ç company to develop a specialized fermentation process to
create an ingredient that would improve the health and productivity of
The Diamond V
brand is now owned by Cargill and a highly respected brand of unique
microbial fermentation products for improved animal health worldwide.
Discovery of
EpiCor Fermentate
Fast forward to
1998. Factory employees at the Diamond V manufacturing facility who were
exposed daily to the fermented animal feed were not using much sick leave.
Why were the
factory workers taking fewer sick days than their colleagues working in the
office? To find out, Diamond V commissioned pilot studies comparing the
factory workers to a similar group of office workers. And, those studies
showed the fermented product had supported the immune health of the factory
workers that were exposed.
After more years
of clinical research to show the safety and efficacy of whole food
fermentate for people, EpiCor was born! Today, people all around the world
trust EpiCor fermentate to support their immune and gut health. Maybe it¡¯s
time for you to discover it for yourself!
* I bought for my wife to prepare her for the Omicron outbreak in Singapore.
She has already done her dose vaccination, but this multi vitamin product
offers her additional protection by boosting up their immunity.
* It is an amazing product. Epicor accompanies me every day. I feel safe and
confident about protecting my health and especially my respiratory health. I
believe it is one of the most essential Supplements. Also as a product it
offers a very good combination of quantity and good price.
* We are using it for last 2 years and Excellent feedback. Earlier I used to
have general infection almost in every 2 months. But god sake, in last 2
years we did not face any infection of Cold and cough. Also inner immunity
is boosted. Also recommended to my family and friends. They are also very