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Cupping Therapy

2 months ago

. ǻ翡 ش ʴ47 , ۽Ʈ å о. ȯε å 3 о ʾҴٸ. ڱ å .. Ư ﵵ Ϻ ι° ̿Ǵ븦 6 ȯڸ ð κ ״ ɰ å . ϴ ߿Ѹ ȯڰ ϴ° ִµ ǻ ڼ ƴϰ ǻ絵 ԰ ϴ Ͻǿ Ұѵ ȯڴ ǻ縦 Ѵٴ . ׸ ڴ ΰ Ͽ ɷ ״ ׾ ״ װ . Ͽ ̶ ̶

1.Ƽξ (Ϸ 12000̸ )
2.ƿ (Ϸ 25̸ 1̸)
3.Ÿε (Ϸ 20005000iu)
4.߸ Ľ. ѻ ܹ ĽŸ ̽ũ . ä κ .

Ÿξ 2025׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸ 5 ԰ 2 ˺(溥.޺) 12001600̸(2400̸)- Ŭλ縶̵ 2000̸ ..øƼ 600̸ ø 30̸ ޸Ŀť 1000̸ Ÿ ް3 1000̸ ԰ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε5000iu ƾ 4000̸ ׷νƿ 800̸ 1000̸ egcg400̸ ׳׽ 400̸ ԰

2ð ߰ſ ӿ  ְ 1ð dz Ÿ ϼ 6̸ ֿ

Ļ ...ݸ.ñġ..κ
..丶 .ٺ θ ԰ κδ Ϸ Ѹ ݵ ԰ 300׷ ׻ ԰ ũƾ ȭŰ.

̷ 6̸ Ĩϴ.

ϼ Ⱦϴ° ҿ ȯԴϴ
ĵ ϸ dzŸ Ÿ
߰ſ  ݽſ 1ð ϰ
뷮Ÿξ ֻ絵 ,...

Easy cancer treatment
2 months ago

cancer counterattack. 47 Ways to Avoid Being Killed by a Doctor, First Cell, be sure to read these three books. If you're a cancer patient and haven't read these three books. Being irresponsible for his own life... In particular, Kondo graduated from Keio University, the second largest in Japan, and saw about 60,000 cancer patients, most of whom died, and wrote a confession of conscience in a book. The important thing he says is that the patient is mistaken. Doctors are not philanthropists, and doctors must earn money to make a living, that is, they are just businessmen who have to make a profit, but the patient treats the doctor as a religious person. And it is unknown whether Azra Raja will die from cancer or from chemo when humans get cancer. He wrote that collectively he just said death from cancer.

There are only 4 causes of cancer
1. Vitamin C deficiency (Eat 12,000 milliliters a day to prevent cancer)
2. Zinc deficiency (25 milliliters per day and 1 milliliter of copper)
3. Vitamin D deficiency (2000-5000iu per day)
4. Bad eating habits. Bread, milk, hamburger, pasta, pizza, ramen, ice cream, sweets, etc. Vegetarian Tofu Soybean Paste Prevents Cancer

Liposomal Vitamin C 20-25g Doxycycline 100ml Azithromycin 500ml 5 days, 2 days Albendazole (Fenben.Meben) 1200-1600ml (up to 2400ml) - Sometimes with niclosamide 2000ml Suwab..cimetidine 600ml Olive Oil 30ml Mary Bacurcumin 1000ml Vitamin Omega 3 1000ml Eat Naltrexone 3ml Vitamin D 5000iu Quercetin 4000ml Pterostilbene 800ml Meformin 1000ml Lactobacillus egcg 400ml Magnesium 400ml

If you stay in hot water for 2 hours every day and ride an indoor bicycle for 1 hour, you can get rid of cancer cells in your body in 6 months.

Meals are brown rice, garlic, onion, broccoli, spinach, beans, tofu.
Eat only beef, egg, tomato stir-fry, carrot stir-fry, and tofu every day. Always eat 300 grams of beef and digest it with pancreatin.

This cures cancer in 6 months.

Cancer cells hate oxygen and warm environments.
Use an oxygen can and ride an indoor bike
Get into hot water and take a half-bath for 1 hour every day.
High-dose vitamin C injections are sometimes.


2 months ago

2 months ago
@ڼ оø ǿ.

Ͼ 縦 ϰ ̾ i ϴµ 縦 ؿ.
׷ ̾ 縦 Ÿξ 2025׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸ ϰ. 뵵 2 Ծִµ 뼺̶ ̱ ϰ øƼ Դ°. ƽ ˺ ޺ 溥 Ϸ 2400̸ Ŭλ縶̵ Ϸ 2000̸ ̹ƾ Ϸ 48̸ ƽ.

Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000iu ϼ ڸ žѿ. ϼ 츮 ü ͷŲ6̿ п. ׷ ׾غ ״ װſ. 츮 ü ̿ϴµ ׿. ٿ ٽ °...

2 months ago (edited)
@ڼ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000 ϼ ڸ žŰ Ʈ3̸ ͷŲ6 ϱ ̿. ȯ ƴԿ Ϸ Ÿξ 40׷ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000 3° ԰ . ڷγ ȸ¾Ҵµ ɸ ԰ ϰ ׷ Ȱɷȳ׿. 鿪 °. ٸ . Ͼ 繰̰

Ͽ ɷ ƹ͵ ϰ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000 Ÿξ 2025׷ Ծ. ʴ´ٴ . ׳ ׻· 索ó ʳ °. ེԵ δٴ°. Ѵ غ 5?

1 month ago
. ǻ翡 ش ʴ47 , ۽Ʈ å о. ȯε å 3 о ʾҴٸ. ڱ å .. Ư ﵵ Ϻ ι° ̿Ǵ븦 6 ȯڸ ð κ ״ ɰ å . ϴ ߿Ѹ ȯڰ ϴ° ִµ ǻ ڼ ƴϰ ǻ絵 ԰ ϴ Ͻǿ Ұѵ ȯڴ ǻ縦 Ѵٴ . ׸ ڴ ΰ Ͽ ɷ ״ ׾ ״ װ . Ͽ ̶ ̶

1.Ƽξ (Ϸ 12000̸ )
2.ƿ (Ϸ 25̸ 1̸)
3.Ÿε (Ϸ 20005000iu)
4.߸ Ľ. ѻ ܹ ĽŸ ̽ũ . ä κ .

Ÿξ 2025׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸ 5 ԰ 2 ˺(溥.޺) 12001600̸(2400̸)- Ŭλ縶̵ 2000̸ ..øƼ 600̸ ø 30̸ ޸Ŀť 1000̸ Ÿ ް3 1000̸ ԰ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε5000iu ƾ 4000̸ ׷νƿ 800̸ 1000̸ egcg400̸ ׳׽ 400̸ ԰

2ð ߰ſ ӿ  ְ 1ð dz Ÿ ϼ 6̸ ֿ

Ļ ...ݸ.ñġ..κ
..丶 .ٺ θ ԰ κδ Ϸ Ѹ ݵ ԰ 300׷ ׻ ԰ ũƾ ȭŰ.

̷ 6̸ Ĩϴ.
ī信 60 ׾60 Ű 12 ϰ Ѵ ȯ ̰ɷ 7 ġ 찡 ֳ׿ .Ѵ޵ڿ 100 ״´ ߴµ

ϼ Ⱦϴ° ҿ ȯԴϴ
ĵ ϸ dzŸ Ÿ
߰ſ  ݽſ 1ð ϰ
뷮Ÿξ ֻ絵 ,

ǻ簡 20 ̷ ؼ ġϴ° þ . õߴµ Ѱ. ׵鿡 . Ѵ޵ ״´ 3̴ ̷ ﵵ å о ܾϰ ־ ġ ƴϴ. ȭ ̶.. ϶ ص 8 غ 50 .. 8̸ ּ 5000 3 ɿ? ȵɰŸ ׾. ġ ǷẸ Ǵ ø ϴ° .

.ö.׾..õ.ϱ...ٹ.Ʃ. Ե 1 ̻ µ ׾ϴ ׾. ̰ Ŷ ϴ.

̰ ϸ 7 ȿ ȿ ִ ϼ Դϴ.

5 ȣ ȯؼ ϼ ȯմϴ. ׾ 4 ȣ ؼ ᱹ ް . Stat3 pas p53 wnt aktȣ
Stat3 Ŭη̳ ׼Ʈ (˾) 1000̸ ̹ƾ 48̸ ׷νƿ 800̸ pas ޺2400̸(with ø 30̸)Ǵ Ŭλ縶̵2000̸(with ø 30̸) p53 ˺(2400̸ with ø 30̸) wnt Ŭλ縶̵ 2000̸(with ø30̸) մϴ.
Aktȣ ׷νƿ 800̸ 1000̸ Ŭλ縶̵ 2000̸ (with 30̸ ø) ̹ƾ 48̸

ĻҶ þԴ ø 2030̸ Ծݴϴ
Ÿξ 2025׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸ ϼ Դϴ.

׾ 缱 ġ ϼ ȣ ƴ ϼ ̴° ׷ (鿪) װ ˴ϴ. ӵ (鿪) ᱹ ϰ ǰ ϼ ¼ ϰ ˴ϴ.

ȣ ϰ ϰ(˺ egcg ̿- ä κ )
ü ø(dz ߰ſ ݽſ)
鿪 ø(Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000iu)Ѹ鿪 3谡 ö󰡰. ϼ ̿ ϴ ü ͷŲ6 ؼ

ϼ ذ ܵ帮Ƹ ֱ ѿ (Ÿξ 20׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸)

ϸ 99.99 ġմϴ..

׷ ̷

̹ ̱ ī. ȾĿ Ƽ ̷ ؼ ǻ簡 ģ 찡 ־

Ϸ Ÿξ 15׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸ 5 ԰ 2 Ϸ ħŸξ 20׷ ûŬ 100̸. Ŭλ縶̵ 1500̸ ⸧ 10̸ ˺(Ǵ 溥 ޺) 1200̸ ⸧ 10̸ ƾ 4000̸ ׷νƿ 800̸ egcg 400̸ ()1000̸ ڱ ԰ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000iu ް3 2000̸ ޸Ŀť 1000̸ ԰ 3 4 ̾

˾ ϼ

Ź ׾Ϻ 100 ϴ մϴ.

44 ϼ̴ٳ׿.
̷ ϸ Ŀ þ ԰ ǰ.
ۿ뵵 ׾Ͽ 10۵ ȵǰ ȿ Źְ迭 ׾ ּ100 ϳ׿

ǻ簡 ϰ Ѵ޵ ׾ Ѵ 5.5ġ ô Ⱥ 7 ġ.
(̿ϰ ߰ſ ݽſϰ)

cancer counterattack. 47 Ways to Avoid Being Killed by a Doctor, First Cell, be sure to read these three books. If you're a cancer patient and haven't read these three books. Being irresponsible for his own life... In particular, Kondo graduated from Keio University, the second largest in Japan, and saw about 60,000 cancer patients, most of whom died, and wrote a confession of conscience in a book. The important thing he says is that the patient is mistaken. Doctors are not philanthropists, and doctors must earn money to make a living, that is, they are just businessmen who have to make a profit, but the patient treats the doctor as a religious person. And it is unknown whether Azra Raja will die from cancer or from chemo when humans get cancer. He wrote that collectively he just said death from cancer.

There are only 4 causes of cancer
1. Vitamin C deficiency (Eat 12,000 milliliters a day to prevent cancer)
2. Zinc deficiency (25 milliliters per day and 1 milliliter of copper)
3. Vitamin D deficiency (2000-5000iu per day)
4. Bad eating habits. Bread, milk, hamburger, pasta, pizza, ramen, ice cream, sweets, etc. Vegetarian Tofu Soybean Paste Prevents Cancer

Liposomal Vitamin C 20-25g Doxycycline 100ml Azithromycin 500ml 5 days, 2 days Albendazole (Fenben.Meben) 1200-1600ml (up to 2400ml) - Sometimes with niclosamide 2000ml Suwab..cimetidine 600ml Olive Oil 30ml Mary Bacurcumin 1000ml Vitamin Omega 3 1000ml Eat Naltrexone 3ml Vitamin D 5000iu Quercetin 4000ml Pterostilbene 800ml Meformin 1000ml Lactobacillus egcg 400ml Magnesium 400ml

If you stay in hot water for 2 hours every day and ride an indoor bicycle for 1 hour, you can get rid of cancer cells in your body in 6 months.

Meals are brown rice, garlic, onion, broccoli, spinach, beans, tofu.
Eat only beef, egg, tomato stir-fry, carrot stir-fry, and tofu every day. Always eat 300 grams of beef and digest it with pancreatin.

This cures cancer in 6 months.
There is a case of a terminal cancer patient who was sentenced to a month after taking 12 rounds of chemotherapy and 60 doses of Kituruda in a cafe in her 60s and was actually cured in 7 months.

Cancer cells hate oxygen and warm environments.
Use an oxygen can and ride an indoor bike
Get into hot water and take a half-bath for 1 hour every day.
High-dose vitamin C injections are sometimes

I've seen 20 people who gave up by a doctor who made a full recovery in this way. It was recommended and I followed it. They call it a death sentence. He will die in a month, three months later, read all of Makoto Kondo's books like this. That person asserts that cancer cannot be cured by modern medicine. Aging that God designed is cancer.. The reason to do it like that is that even if you do all that for 8 months, it will cost you only 500,000 won.. 8 months in the hospital will cost at least 50 to 300 million won? If it doesn't work out, I'll have to leave money for the rest of my family and die. Of course, it is better to take rituximab for lymphoma that has a good cure rate and is covered by medical insurance.

Cancer Tuber. Kim Chul-min. Kim Hang-am. Yoon Mi. Kim Cheon-yu. Light Diary. Dawn. Morning Star. Decorating. Ryeong Tube. I also wrote it for over a year, but they all died of cancer. If I had done this, I think I would have lived.

This will kill all cancer cells in the body within 7 months.

Cancer converts cells into cancer cells by exchanging five signals. Anticancer drugs cannot block these four signals, so they eventually experience relapse. Stat3 pas p53 wnt akt signal
Stat3 blocks chloroquine or altesutate (wormwood) meformin 1000ml ivermectin 48ml pterostilbene 800ml pas blocks mebendazole 2400ml (with olive oil 30ml) or niclosamide 2000ml (with olive oil 30ml) Miri) blocks p53, albendazole (2400 ml with 30 ml of olive oil) blocks wnt, and niclosamide 2000 ml (with 30 ml of olive oil) blocks it.
Akt signal is blocked by pterostilbene 800 ml, meformin 1000 ml, niclosamide 2000 ml (with 30 ml olive oil) ivermectin 48 ml

Chewing the insect repellent with meals is good for absorption, and eat 20-30 milliliters of olive oil together.
Lymph metastasis: Lipozomal Vitamin C 20-25g Doxycycline 100ml Azithromycin 500ml This lymphatic metastasis kills cancer cells.

The purpose of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is not to block the signal of cancer cells, but to kill cancer cells, so even normal cells (immune cells) die together. The continued death of normal cells (immune cells) eventually leads to senescence and is unable to fight cancer cells.

Block all these signals and block glucose, the food of cancer (albendazole meformin egcg diet - vegetarian tofu soybean)
Raise body temperature (half bath in hot water on indoor bicycle)
Raise your immunity (Naltrexone 3ml and Vitamin D 5000iu)—Immunity increases 3 times. Prevents metastatic growth by inhibiting the production of interleukin 6, an antibody used by cancer cells for metastasis

Elimination of ribosomes and mitochondria of cancer cells - Blocking the supply of nutrients (liposomal vitamin C 20 g, doxycycline 100 ml, azithromycin 500 ml)

Combined, it cures 99.99% of all cancers.

So, for example, the protocol is like this

Naver Cancer Fighters Gathering Cafe. It doesn't hurt, there are cases where a doctor gave up terminal cancer by doing this on TV.
After Keytruda failure

Lipozomal Vitamin Seed 15g per day Doxycycline 100ml Azithromycin 500ml Eat for 5 days and take 2 days in the morning, Lipozomal Vitamin C 20g, Doxycycline 100ml. Lunch Niclosamide 1500ml Raw Perilla Oil 10ml Dinner Albendazole (or Fenbendazole Mebendazole) 1200ml Raw Perilla Oil 10ml Daily Quercetin 4000ml Pterostilbene 800ml egcg 400ml (Meformin) 1000ml Before bed Lactobacillus Eat daily naltrexone 3ml, vitamin D 5000iu, omega 3 2000ml, marybacurcumin 1000ml.

Eating wormwood inhibits the growth of cancer cells

The paper says that it is 100 times stronger than Taxol on cancer.

You said you were completely covered with a total of 44,000 won.
This will increase your appetite and make you eat better.
The side effects are less than 10% compared to anticancer drugs, and the effect is at least 100 times that of taxol-based anticancer drugs.

The doctor gave up and he had to die a month later A late stage pancreatic cancer 5.5 cm spinal metastasis brain metastasis Lymph metastasis, complete in 7 months.
(Regular diet and half-bath in hot water)


2 months ago

Easy cancer treatment
2 months ago


2 months ago

Easy cancer treatment
2 months ago


2 months ago

Easy cancer treatment
2 months ago


2 months ago

@ ǻ翡 Ʈ 25 óش޶ϸ װ 8ؼ 弼

* ҿ ϰ ü¿ ؿ ݴ ָ

* غ ã ī信 15 ..Ű濷̶ ƹ͵ ϴ ޺ 2400̸ ̹ƾ 48̸(ø 30̸ ޸Ŀť 1000̸ ް3 1000̸)̰ɷ 3 ġ ־ ..
*Ϲ Ÿξ ƴϿ Ÿξ . ð 2˾ ,ǿ

* ߺŸξ Ÿε ƿ 󵵰 Ƽ ɸϴ.

1 month ago
ȯڵ ޴
缺  ǰ Ͽ
װ Ǵ մϴ

2 months ago (edited)
Ÿc 25g̸ 1000mg 25
̰  ؾұ
ħ 8 Ծϴ°ɱ
Ȥ ׾ġϸ鼭 ص ɱ

2 months ago
@źź Ϲ Ÿξ ƴϿ Ÿξ . ð 2˾ ,ǿ

2 months ago
@ ׾ ҽؼ ϸ鼭 δ » ٰ ϸ..̰ ̿ Ϳ. ׾ ϴµ ׾ ϼ?

2 months ago
@ ġὬ
Ŵ ݾƴѰ?
ͼ ξϴ°͵ ϰ
׾ϰ ̰ϰ ֳ?
ϰ ø ͺ ϴ°Ծƴϱ
ϴٺ 쿬ϰ ű
ϴ ȯڴϱѿ Ͻñ ϽǷ ۳ ο ϼž ɵ ϳ׿~

2 months ago (edited)
@ ص ǰ Ʈ ȵǰ ׷ ɺ . Ʈ ־ ٸ غ ȸ ̴ϴ. ȯڵ ̱̰ ..״´ٴ ׷? ׾. ȯڸ Ưϰ ϴ ..

״ 翡 ȯڵ ȵƴ ⵵Ҳ.. ڸ޵ ƴϰ δ ״ 翡

ģ Ʈ Ȱ̴ϴ.

Ÿξ 2025׷ ûŬ 100̸ θ̽ 500̸ 5 ԰ 2 ˺ ޺ 溥 2400̸ ø 20̸ øƼ 600̸ ޸Ŀť 1000̸ ް3 2000̸ ԰ Ʈ3̸ Ÿε 5000iu ׷νƿ 800̸ 1000̸ ƾ 4000̸ egcg400̸. Ʈ..߰ Ÿκ ׳׽ 400̸()

̰ Ʈ Ȱ̴ϴ ǻ簡 ģ Ʈ а ѰŴϱ.. Ұž ̷ ε嵵 ߸Ǹ å ̷ ε嵵 . ׾ϸ κ ݾƿ ġ Ŀ ޴ ᱹ κ ״° ε װ νϴ ϴ°Ű .ƴѰ?


Easy cancer treatment
2 months ago

Easy cancer treatment
2 months ago